Monday at 2:23 p.m.
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(Reuters/Jason Reed)
President Barack Obama and the first family paid $453,770 in federal taxes on an adjusted gross income of $1,728,096 in 2010, the White House said Monday.
The president is paid a salary of $400,000 for his day job and took home quite a hefty paycheck because his books — “The Audacity of Hope,” “Dreams From My Father” and “Of Thee I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters” — continue to register strong sales. Get the full story »
Friday at 4:03 p.m.
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On the eve of tax day, the White House unveiled a new online tool that estimates how much of an individual’s taxes pay for things such as war, NASA and the interest on the deficit.
However, the online calculator obscures how much of an individual’s tax dollars goes to a controversial expense that Republicans have been railing about — bailing out government-owned mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac — by lumping it with other expense such as commerce, transportation and government administration. Get the full story »
Friday at 12:34 p.m.
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By Reuters

President Barack Obama wears a Chicago Bulls cap at last night's Navy Pier fundraiser. Obama said Friday that there is little he can do about high oil prices. (Mandel Ngan/AFP/Getty Images)
President Barack Obama said there are no quick fixes to bring down rising gasoline prices and urged caution about being too quick to tap U.S. emergency oil reserves amid uncertainty in the Middle East.
“There aren’t going to be a lot of great short-term solutions to this problem,” Obama said in an ABC interview aired Friday. Get the full story »
April 7 at 4:19 p.m.
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By Clout Street
As negotiations continued in Washington to avert a federal government shutdown, a top political strategist for President Barack Obama’s re-election campaign said today the discussions should not involve political winners and losers.
April 6 at 5:37 p.m.
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By Los Angeles Times
President Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign is under way and, in what may be a nod to the influence of social media on his presidency, he’s hosting a town hall-style meeting on April 20 at Facebook headquarters to talk about the economy.
April 1 at 2:02 p.m.
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Real estate
By Reuters
About 26,147 struggling borrowers received new loan terms as part of President Barack Obama’s much-maligned foreclosure prevention program, the Treasury Department said Friday. Get the full story »
March 30 at 11:34 a.m.
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By Reuters

President Obama will focus on energy security amid high gasoline prices. (Reuters/Mike Blake)
President Barack Obama set an ambitious goal Wednesday to cut U.S. oil imports by a third over 10 years, focusing on a source of anxiety for Americans as high gasoline prices threaten economic recovery.
Obama outlined his strategy in a speech after spending days explaining U.S.-led military action in Libya, where fighting, accompanied by unrest elsewhere in the Arab world, has helped push U.S. gasoline prices toward $4 a gallon. Get the full story »
March 17 at 8:28 a.m.
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Chicago executives
By Associated Press
President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, are extending condolences to the family of James Tyree, a Chicago businessman with deep roots in Obama’s hometown who died Wednesday.
“Jim was a quintessential Chicagoan, a South Side kid from humble roots who worked his way to the top but never left the city behind,” Obama said in a statement Thursday. Get the full story »
March 11 at 3:19 p.m.
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By Reuters
The United States must reduce its dependence on oil and begin to reform energy policy, President Barack Obama said on Friday, pledging to do all he could to keep gasoline prices low. Get the full story »
March 11 at 9:59 a.m.
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Cell phones,
Chicago executives,
By Wailin Wong
Motorola Solutions Inc. Chief Executive Greg Brown has been named to President Barack Obama’s Management Advisory Board, a group of former and current CEOs tasked with advising administration officials on how to bring private-sector practices to the government.
The White House made its announcement on Thursday and the group is scheduled to meet for the first time on Friday. Brown joins nine other corporate chiefs, including Jeffrey Kindler, the former CEO of Pfizer Inc., BET Networks CEO Debra Lee and American Red Cross CEO Gail McGovern. Get the full story »
March 9 at 11:14 a.m.
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By Reuters
The White House said on Wednesday it strongly opposed a Republican-backed spending bill and said President Barack Obama will veto a bill if it undermines his priorities or national security or curtails drivers of long-term economic growth.
“The unbalanced bill would undermine the nation’s economic recovery and its ability to succeed in a complex global environment,” the White House said in a statement. Get the full story »
March 4 at 2:28 p.m.
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By Reuters
White House economist Austan Goolsbee said on Friday the February jobs report showed President Barack Obama’s policies were working to improve the economy, but he said more needed to be done to create jobs.
“We will continue to work with Congress to find ways to reduce spending, but not at the expense of derailing progress in the job market,” Goolsbee said in a statement. Get the full story »
March 3 at 3:31 p.m.
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Health care,
By Reuters
A U.S. judge Thursday put on hold his ruling that President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul was unconstitutional, allowing the White House to continue implementing the landmark legislation for now.
But U.S. District Judge Roger Vinson failed to dispel widespread uncertainty about the fate of the highly-politicized health care reform law. He gave the Obama administration seven days to ask an appeals court to quickly review his Jan. 31 ruling and said the law could be declared void if it failed to meet the deadline. Get the full story »
March 1 at 5:44 a.m.
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Work culture
By Dow Jones Newswires-Wall Street Journal
Women are gaining ground educationally and economically, but men still make more money on average and women are more likely to live in poverty, according to a White House report expected to be released Tuesday. Get the full story »
Feb. 23 at 3:13 p.m.
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By Reuters
U.S. President Barack Obama named a group of top corporate executives Wednesday to join a new economic advisory panel, the latest move to boost the economy and reach out to the business community. Get the full story »