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Tarmac delay rules to extend to foreign airlines

Federal officials are poised to broaden new tarmac delay rules to include overseas carriers, closing a loophole that was exposed during the Boxing Day blizzard that shuttered New York City’s airports.

The U.S. Department of Transportation said Thursday it expects to issue the latest passenger protections in April and will likely build on a controversial 2010 rule that set fines of $27,500 for every passenger on board planes operated by domestic carriers that idle at an airport for more than 180 minutes. Get the full story »

Asian, Latin carriers take lead among airlines

The world’s five biggest airlines by market value now hail from Asia and Latin America, highlighting the industry’s shift away from the U.S. and Europe to higher-growth countries, the International Air Transport Association said Tuesday.

Based on its share price, Air China is twice the size of either Delta in the U.S. or Germany’s Lufthansa, indicating that markets expect future revenue growth to be strongest in Asia, IATA said. Get the full story »