April 12 at 7:35 a.m.
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By Mary Ellen Podmolik
More taxpayers this year are choosing to save rather than spend.
A survey by job website CareerBuilder found that 46 percent of taxpayers who will receive tax refunds plan to use them to pay off bills, down from 56 percent who had those intentions last year. Meanwhile, 36 percent plan to put the funds into their savings accounts, up from 34 percent last year. Get the full story »
Feb. 23 at 7:39 a.m.
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Work culture
By Emily Bryson York
One bright side of the recession, at least for employers, is that employees are arriving on time more often. According to a CareerBuilder survey released this morning, 15 percent of workers confessed they arrived late to work once a week or more, down from 16 percent in 2009, and 20 percent in 2008. Get the full story »
Jan. 12 at 8:24 a.m.
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Work culture
By Sandra M. Jones
If you receive a cell phone call or text message during your job interview, don’t answer it. Doing so ranks as job candidates’ most common mistake in an interview, according to a survey of hiring managers.
Indeed, 71 percent of managers surveyed named it as the top blunder, according to a report out Wednesday from online career site CareerBuilder. Other common mistakes: dressing inappropriately and appearing disinterested, each cited by 69 percent of managers, followed closely by appearing arrogant at 66 percent. Get the full story »
Dec. 22, 2010 at 11:21 a.m.
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By Alejandra Cancino

A CareerBuilder.com Super Bowl 2006 ad. (Chicago Tribune)
CareerBuilder’s 2011 Super Bowl ad is already drawing attention from PETA activists.
PETA said it learned earlier this month that the company was planning on using chimpanzees in the ad, which prompted actress Angelica Huston to write a letter to Matt Ferguson, the company’s CEO, urging him to watch her 2008 video on the abuse of ape actors.
Huston said chimpanzees are often physically and emotionally abused during training, and that when they grow too strong to handle, they are kept in small cages at roadside zoos or “warehoused in horrifying conditions on training compounds.” Get the full story »
Nov. 10, 2010 at 8:48 a.m.
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Work culture
By Julie Wernau
There’s new hope for employees who haven’t seen a raise since the collapse of the economy. According to a recent CareerBuilder survey, nearly a third of employers are willing to negotiate salary increases in 2011 over concerns that talented employees will look to leave their organizations once the economy improves.
Some industries faired better than others — with IT employers, retail, sales, professional and business services reporting that they were the most willing to negotiate raises. Get the full story »
Oct. 27, 2010 at 8:44 a.m.
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Work culture
By Mary Ellen Podmolik
Why take a long lunch to get a break from your cubicle when you can call in “sick” and blame it on a chicken attacking your mom?
Almost three in 10 workers have played hooky from their jobs by calling in sick at least once this year, according to CareerBuilder’s annual survey of workplace absenteeism. More than a quarter of employers attribute the bogus sick days to the job stress and burnout that’s continued in a weak economy. Get the full story »