Warner Bros. to offer movies through Facebook

By Reuters
Posted March 8 at 11:13 a.m.

Warner Bros. Digital Distribution said it would make some of its films available on Facebook, opening up a new source of revenue for the Internet social network and marking new competition for online entertainment companies.

Consumers can pay for the movies using Facebook Credits, Warner Bros. said on Tuesday. Until now, the virtual currency developed by Facebook has been primarily used in the social games that are popular on the site.

The first movie available on the Warner Bros. Entertainment page on Facebook’s site is “The Dark Knight,” which consumers can rent for 30 Facebook Credits, or $3.

Shares of online rental service Netflix Inc. were down 4.4 percent at $198.38 in midday trading on Tuesday.

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  1. Marty March 8 at 12:31 pm

    $3 to rent a single online video? What planet are they from: Planet 1992?

  2. Jackie March 8 at 12:42 pm

    Why anyone would pay $3 to rent one video online when there are a million other options is beyond me.

  3. KING_PIN March 8 at 3:14 pm

    3$ is a fools finder fee for FaceBook.

    Netflix cradle2grave.

  4. Randy March 8 at 5:48 pm

    What do you think they should do? What should the price be? Would you prefer $1 for 2 nights (like a Redbox)? Do you wish something that Redbox would get rid of or carry? Or Facebook?