Car salesman fired for wearing Packers’ tie

By Tribune staff report
Posted Jan. 25 at 6:52 a.m.

John Stone said that when he went to work Monday morning at Webb Chevrolet in Oak Lawn, he decided to wear a Green Bay Packers tie he’s had for years to honor his late grandmother, a huge Packers fan.

Little did he know that the seemingly innocent gesture would cost him his job, Stone said.

Stone said that when he showed up at work, general manager Jerry Roberts called him over to his office and then ordered him to take off the Packers tie or else he would be fired. Stone said he thought Roberts was joking and went back to work. Get the full story>>

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  1. 007 Jan. 25 at 11:39 a.m.

    Illinois is an at-will state. The owner may have been petty, but he has the right to dictate dress codes and release an employee who refuses to comply.

  2. Packers Dude Jan. 25 at 12:09 pm

    This is why I never buy an american vehicle. Just look at the way a manager handles such a small petty incident. I wonder how well he would handle my car issues. I hope he never sells another car again.

  3. Go Bears Jan. 25 at 2:09 pm

    After reading the article, it’s pretty clear that he wasn’t fired, he quit. He had a choice, the your tie or your job. Idiot Packer fan chose the tie. Explain that to your wife.

  4. bigdog0319 Jan. 25 at 3:04 pm

    “Packer’s”? Where’s the editor???

  5. bigdog0320 Jan. 26 at 12:16 a.m.

    Wouldn’t it just be “…Packers tie” as the team does not own the salesman’s tie, rather the team name describes the tie?