Neal Gerber partners leave to start own law firm

Posted June 2, 2010 at 3:21 p.m.

By Ameet Sachdev | Five partners have left Neal Gerber & Eisenberg to start their own
law firm counseling trade associations, charitable groups and other

The group is led by Jed Mandel, who chaired Neal Gerber’s practice group
focused on associations and non-profit organizations. In a statement, Mandel suggested that the group left partly due to client concerns
about rates.

“As a boutique firm with a focused concentration, we can be more nimble in anticipating and responding to client needs,” Mandel said in a statement. “We can also be even more efficient, from a cost standpoint, in delivering the specific services our clients require.”

The lawyers joining him at Chicago Law Partners are Susan Carlson, Timothy French, Kimberly Pendo and Lisa Stegink. Their office is at 333 W. Wacker Drive.

The group plans to officially announce the new firm on Thursday.

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