Microsoft’s Kin 1, Kin 2 phones to rival iPhone

Posted April 12, 2010 at 12:37 p.m.

kinone.jpgAssociated Press | Microsoft Corp. unveiled two phones Monday
that are meant for social networking-savvy teens and twenty-somethings,
in an attempt to revitalize its mobile business and regain ground on
iPhones and BlackBerrys.

Microsoft said its new touch-screen phones –  a short, square-shaped
handset called Kin 1 and a longer, more rectangular one called Kin 2 –
will be sold exclusively in the U.S. by Verizon Wireless. They are
being made by Sharp Corp., which has produced Sidekick cell phones,
whose software comes from Microsoft-owned Danger Inc.

In the past, Microsoft has mostly sold its mobile software to other companies to put it on phones they make. This will be the case with its recently announced Windows Phone 7 Series software, which is expected to be on handsets by the holidays. The Kin phones mark a departure, as Microsoft has sway over the creation of their software and hardware.

Verizon said it will start selling the Kin phones online in early May and in stores shortly thereafter. In the fall, carrier Vodafone Group PLC — which owns Verizon Wireless in partnership with Verizon Communications Inc. — will start selling the Kin phones in Italy, Spain, Germany and the U.K. Microsoft has not yet announced prices.

Microsoft needs help in the cell phone market. Its software has been losing share while Apple Inc. and Google Inc., which makes the Android operating software, have gained. Microsoft software ran on 13.1 percent of smart phones sold in the U.S. last year, according to research firm In-Stat. That put Microsoft in third place after BlackBerry maker Research In Motion Ltd. and Apple.

Roz Ho, leader of the Microsoft team behind the Kin, said the company has been working on the Kin devices for several years, trying to create a handset for people who especially want to connect with others over social Web sites such as Facebook. The phones are also meant for people who want a handset that works simply, without forcing them to hunt through menus and icons, she said.

That setup could also present a risk. Unlike most popular smart phones, the Kins won’t have access to application stores that let customers download add-on software programs. Ho said her team studied consumer habits and then built the activities they used most often into the Kin phones.

For instance, in a demo for The Associated Press, the Kin’s home screen showed a live stream of updates to social networks and Web sites that can be clicked on and responded to. Users can send photos and other material to people dragging it onto a little circle at the bottom of the screen. A finger swipe across the screen can then bring up a page with applications such as photos and music.

The music player will be based on Microsoft’s Zune software, which until now has been only a standalone media player.

The Zune software also will be incorporated into the Windows Phone 7 handsets that multiple manufacturers will be able to use. That software was announced first, at the Mobile World Congress trade show in Barcelona, Spain, in February, but will hit the market later. Microsoft and Verizon said they don’t think consumers will get confused.

John Starkweather, who runs the digital marketing team behind the Kin, said the handsets will not be obviously branded as Microsoft products. They will sport a sizable “Kin” logo on the back and, in smaller type, an indication that they are Windows phones from Verizon and Sharp, he said.

Both Kin phones are black with screens that respond to multiple finger gestures, similar to the “multitouch” technology on the iPhone. The shorter Kin 1 has a full QWERTY keyboard that slides out from the bottom, while the Kin 2 has a full QWERTY keyboard that comes out from its side.

Both include Wi-Fi access and cameras capable of taking higher-resolution photos than most handsets: The Kin 1 will include a 5-megapixel camera, while the Kin 2 will have a 8-megapixel camera. The Kin 2 will also be capable of shooting HD-quality video.

Neither has a memory card slot; instead, the phones will upload content such as photos and videos to a Kin online storage service to free up memory.

Microsoft already does something similar with the Sidekick phones — it stores phone numbers, photos and other personal data on servers it runs. This resulted in an embarrassing incident late last year, when a server meltdown caused data to disappear from some users’ phones. T-Mobile temporarily stopped selling the phones, and some customers even sued.

Microsoft managed to restore most of the missing data, and gave $100 gift cards to affected customers.



  1. The Truth April 12, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    This doesn’t make sense. As Apple has been criticized for having a closed interface that they are slowly starting to open up as customers move toward other products, Microsoft is going to take that closed interface and make it even more extreme by limiting apps to those contained in the off-the-shelf product?
    Oddly enough, it’s the very opposite of that approach that makes PCs and Windows-based computer OSs more desirable than Apple products. This thing almost sounds like a Jitterbug with a few extra apps.

  2. Karen April 12, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    To be more clear about the T-Mobile Sidekick issue last year, they gave out very few of those $100 gift cards. It sounded good in the media, so they put that information out to all customers. When you tried to claim your $100 gift card, they insisted they were still working on the problem and you would only get the card if you had data that could not be restored after all was said and done. It took months to get everything back but they gave you very little for the tremendous inconvenience.

  3. **** Bacon April 12, 2010 at 5:52 pm

    What teen is going to want one of these? My 4 year old already has her sights set on an iPhone because of all the apps. Why would anyone want to buy a phone that is so limited? Once again, Microsoft pulls a Zune. Late to the party with less to offer, trying to play up their middle-aged idea of what cool might be.

  4. Eric Hedler June 15, 2010 at 6:54 pm

    Most insurance companies’ websites are secure. It’s the local or small insurance co that dont have secure websites and bind coverage for small periods of time. As far as online quotes are concerned if you dont provide a VIN # at the time of quoting, the quote is pretty much a “ball park” figure. Without the VIN, the quote will rate the vehicle as far as statistics are concerned and you as the principal operator. Of course there are MANY factors that come into play when rating is taken into consideration on an auto policy.