Survey: Chicago-area hiring to pick up in 2Q

Posted March 9, 2010 at 9:24 a.m.

CBB-JobFair.jpgHopefuls at a Chicago job fair in February. (AP)

By Mike Oneal | The ice may be thawing on Chicago-area hiring.

Local employers surveyed by the Manpower Employment Outlook said they
plan to hire at a healthy clip in this year’s second quarter, a big
turnaround from sentiment in the first quarter.

Eighteen percent of the companies interviewed  said they plan to hire
more employees between April and June, Manpower said, while 3 percent
expect to reduce their payrolls. Another 75 percent expect to maintain
their current staff levels and 4 percent are not certain of their
hiring plans.



  1. Jill March 9, 2010 at 10:46 a.m.

    Too late for us. My husband and I have to move to Boston for his new job (which took 10 months to get). Adios, Chicago!

  2. captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 11:48 a.m.

    SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT!!!!!!! This article coming from the media that is in with this lousy administration.
    I have a better chance of getting a kiss my ex wife before more jobs will come available under this miserable administration.

  3. WB March 9, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    captinjoe, you are a moron. i’ll be you soley subscribe to fox and believe everything said there, right? i’m sure you posted the same comment on one of the articles about earthquakes blaming obama too. you do realize he has only had 1 year to fix the corporatocracy and damage your hero george did, right?

  4. Spike March 9, 2010 at 12:20 pm

    Captinjoe – Perhaps you not getting a job has more to do with the fact that you can’t correctly spell “CAPTAIN” than with the fact that Obama is president.
    It took eight years to dig this deep hole for all of us, but by all means, stomp and whine and cry because this problem wasn’t solved in eight months.
    And yeah, I was laid off for almost a year, so I *do* know what I’m talking about.

  5. Adolph March 9, 2010 at 12:21 pm

    Yeah, I heard the rest of the story, though. The companies that will be hiring are predominantly in the “Services” and “Mining” fields. So it’s either grab your pick axe or ‘would you like fries with that?’. Just think if the government would have tried to do something about jobs and the economy in the last year, rather than trying to pass socialized healthcare. Who am I kidding – the result would be the same….

  6. McKinley March 9, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    The lead to this story says, “Local employers surveyed by the Manpower Employment Outlook said they plan to hire at a healthy clip in this year’s second quarter…” Yet, the next paragraph says 75 PERCENT will NOT be adding new employees, 3 percent are reducing and 4 percent are uncertain. Which means that 82 PERCENT DO NOT anticipate adding jobs. Talk about putting lipstick on a pig.

  7. captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    Hey WB I feel sorry for you because you are a simple little robot believing everything said in the main stream media. GOOD LUCK to you. Hope you ENJOY ALL THIS HOPE AND CHANGE.
    OH YEAH Spike… it is spelled that way to just PISS YOU LIBERALS OFF. YOU 2 ENJOY THIS HOPE AND CHANGE!!!!!!

  8. thermal54 March 9, 2010 at 12:59 pm

    Isn’t that Silvio Dante on the right?

  9. MJ March 9, 2010 at 1:00 pm

    Hey WB and Spike — perhaps the economy wouldn’t be doing so poorly if Obama would’ve spent all of his time, energy and political capital on actually trying to FIX it, rather than squandering it all on his precious “universal health care” obsession.
    Even NOW, all we hear about is “healthcare.” How is that POSSIBLY going to give banks incentives to loan credit and companies to invest in more personnnel? New government regulations telling companies what they “can’t” do only puts an even bigger squeeze on the private sector.
    It no longer has anything to do with the “last 8 years of Bush” (it actually has more to do with what Alan Greenspan did on the Fed. Reserve), but Obama still apparently can’t let that go, and it shows just how weak and inept of a leader he is.

  10. burbankillini March 9, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    Captinjoe-I really feel sorry for you. People like you enabled Bush and Cheney to screw up the entire country over the past eight years. I think Obama is doing a fairly decent job considering all of the troubles he fell into. Trust me, I think it will be a long time before a Republican is in the White House. At least the Democrats try to come up with ideas on how to better society although at times they are a little misguided. Republicans on the other hand just complain, complain, complain, and do nothing. However, I expect this considering that they are responsible for the housing bubble, the two wars overseas, deficit spending, and rising health care costs. Enjoy living in your little Fox News bubble!

  11. Nick29 March 9, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    I’ll believe it when I see it.
    Sounds like more hot air to me. Its kinda pathetic how this liberal hag paper jumps the gun redundantly for the sake of making Obamy look like a hero even before anything has happened.
    I’m just waiting for a dumb liberals to use this as evidence that the stimulus is working [which they will] even though we have lost more jobs then have been gained since Obamy too over.

  12. Ely March 9, 2010 at 1:12 pm

    For Jobs being a #1 priority for this administration, you would be hard pressed to find the evidence. All that seems to come out of the administration is the deomonizing of wall street, profitable companies, and health care.

  13. nancy March 9, 2010 at 1:18 pm

    For hiring white collar professionals with an education and specialty – the hiring is already way up!

  14. Joblessrecovery? March 9, 2010 at 1:19 pm

    What a bunch of B.S. There is a story on the marketwatch site that states over 75% of companies surveyed by Manpower said they will not hire during the 2nd quarter. Why spread false hope when we should be preparing for poverty.

  15. captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 1:23 pm

    Dear burbankillini
    I love you liberals!!!!!!!!! “Obama doing a fairly decent job?????????? Wish I knew what he has done so far. I am glad to see you all are still blaming Bush for all of this. Never had a deficits in the trillions (just AFTER only 1 year), continued HIGH UNEMPLOYMENT, unemployment benefits for 99 WEEKS, TAXES, TAXES, TAXES (which will stick right to you LIBERAL JOKERS just like the rest of us.)
    I guess your right he has done a fairly decent job pushing us to socialism.
    But don’t worry. Enjoy your time you have left with him. Once November is here he will he neutered, and then we can get back to business of LESS GOVERNMENT, TAX BREAKS, and GETTING BACK TO GROWTH OF JOBS and the REVENUES NEEDED TO BAIL US OUT OF THIS MESS.
    ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY. What is on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS today????? Are they still on the air?????? Would not know. Keep me up to date.
    ***** AND MOAN and oh YEAH BLAME BUSH!!!!!!!

  16. errrr March 9, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    errr. so this was a local employment survey. I doubt they were surveying mining companies.
    Also, the Trib isn’t bolstering the current administration by posting statistics that the economy (which we all feel, good or bad) may be improving. It’s the administration’s naysayers that see it as blowing hot air because they don’t want to see it any other way. The facts have been in for a while, and all signs (except for employment, which appears to be approaching a rebound) are pointing toward the fact that the administration handled the situation appropriately. please, do your homework before spouting rhetoric. the numbers are, and have been in.
    Also, while i agree with the fact that Alan Greenspan did not always make the greatest choices, and his timely exit was questionable at best, the fault for the current economic turmoil rests on MANY MANY MANY issues. No administration, policy, or sector is solely to blame, and few are free of it. It was a perfect storm in many ways. Though, the Bush administration did, fully, do a horrible job in managing the economy. The tax cuts, the unappropriated Medicare/aid additions, the wars, all attributed wildly to our current deficit. The ARRA and bailout packages also pulled us in pretty heavy, but that was our President (yes OUR president), attempting to fix what others had broken. Keep in mind, that he did not make that decision alone, it was widely viewed by economists on all sides of the board as crucial to the turnaround (that we are currently experiencing).

  17. Katie March 9, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    You are an absolute moron! How is that hope and change working for you! At least the republicans stand for what they believe in. Last I checked it was the Democrats who had the control and they STILL can get nothing accomplished. Have you taken a look at who has been running Chicago for past oh 100 years…DEMOCRATS!!! They have done such a faboulus job! Keep taxing those who actually work and giving entitlements to those who only know how to suck off the system.. This city and state are broken and it is all because of the supermajority democrats who have been running it!

  18. Captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 1:43 pm

    BRAVO KATIE!!!!!!!
    I knew there were other fellow Republicans out there in the great state of IL!!!!!!!
    You could not be more right. Those Democrats have done NOTHING EVEN WITH A SUPER MAJORITY!!!! What does that tell you about their character??? NOT GOOD and that is being nice and trying to keep it clean on an open blog!!!!
    Keep up the fight and we will be celebrating in NOVEMBER!!!!!! WE TRULY HAVE THE MAJORITY!!!
    Take Care!!!

  19. Lynch M All March 9, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    Yes, many more fast food outlets will be opening. Just remember. When you apply, don’t mention that MBA. You won’t impress anyone.

  20. Depot- Jim March 9, 2010 at 1:54 pm

    Very misleading headline to this story. While 18% of companies say they will hire 75% say they will not. The economy remains very stagnant. While the Obama Administration and the democratic Leadership continue to wast all their time and energy on a Health Bill the economy and the economy
    continue to slide. In a way President Obama is indirectly responsible for the continued job and employment problem. Companies do not want to hire for fear that their may be Federal Mandates in the health Bill that will have a direct and negative effect on them.

  21. Cat March 9, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    Funny, but sad because it’s true. And it’s ironic that the fast food culture is driving up health care costs due to obesity and the ensuing health problems. And, I hear Coke did an ad Oscar night promoting Diet Coke as good for your heart health?
    Either they think we’re stupid, or we really are stupid.
    I work with the jobless and no longer believe anything this administration says. And you haters can attack me all I want for simply having an opinion.

  22. WB March 9, 2010 at 2:12 pm

    usually they saying goes ‘ignorance is bliss’ which works pretty well for the mindless righties that believe all they are told and are too dumb to realize they are being duped. that doesn’t seem to be paying off now that the policies you have supported over the last 8 years have come full circle (unless you are extremely rich). i understand your anger but you fail to realize who you should be angry at. i’ll give you a hint: it’s not the governtment even though the sociopaths you listen to tell you it is. it starts with a “corp” and ends with a “orations”. reagan, bush, and clinton gave them the power to do anything they want and where we are at is a direct result of that. i understand your anger, just don’t let it blind you and pick on the easiest target that your national, corporate owned, newspeople tell you. they are only loyal to their sponsors.

  23. WB March 9, 2010 at 2:23 pm

    do you even know what a capitalist is? there are fewer than 1000 capitalist in our country. it’s when someone’s sole income is from investments. they produce, employ, not contribute anything. you probably shouldn’t mindlessly throw out words and chant slogans with more than 2 syllables. if the off chance is that you are an actual capitalist and that’s why you have the GO CAPITALISM, than i’m envious….

  24. Chord March 9, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    For all the uninformed, logic-deficient conservatives here: Since you guys know where the magic ECONOMY FIX button is, will you email or call the White House? I’m sure they’d love to hear from you. Ironic isn’t it that you dimwits facetiously refer to Obama as “The Messiah” when it’s you that seems to think he has a magic wand that could fix everything but he won’t because he’s obsessed with healthcare. You people will be the end of us all.

  25. captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 2:43 pm

    YO WB
    IT IS CAPITALISM not CAPITALIST EINSTEIN. I can understand a liberal not understanding what CAPITALISM is. That is what generates the wealth in our economy by providing jobs to generate products for people to buy thus putting the money back into the economy to make more products and growing the wealth eve more… NOT TAKING THE WEALTH AND SPENDING IT ON free rides for the poor unfortunate or global warming or illegal immigrants or that useless health plan your messiah is trying to push.
    Why not just leave the job of making this country great to people who are true to their beliefs who do not have a hard time getting legislation passed with a SUPER MAJORITY. You might like it!!!! But remember one thing you cannot be miserable like a true liberal. MUST BE HAPPY TO RIDE THIS TRAIN!!!!!
    Thank you all you liberals by showing your knowledge on what has made this country GREAT.
    Time to sign off

  26. Chord March 9, 2010 at 2:48 pm

    Yes, we all know what’s pouring on our heads in “trickle-down” economics.

  27. Ely March 9, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    So you believe that the jobless or homeless will provide work for you?

  28. jack March 9, 2010 at 3:26 pm

    There is no trickle down economics.
    Any company will hire new employees after the marketplace has been established for additional product to be purchased from the company.
    What comes first? A need, then the need will be fulfilled. Simple .Right!

  29. Chord March 9, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I’ve got a job. It’s the jobless or homeless that need work and accessible healthcare.

  30. Leta A. Dally March 9, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    So, let me get this straight. Twenty-five percent of employers said they would be hiring and that translates into a lot more jobs in Chicago? Which employers – McD’s, Wendy’s,WalMart, Target???? Get real. That is not a very robust recovery.

  31. Winona March 9, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    Too little, too late, Chicagoland – we have to move, too, but to Cincinnati! I guess this thinning of the applicant pool is a bonus for those unemployed staying behind…

  32. bob March 9, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    When I have a good job or for that matter a job then I can say that .

  33. Wait a minute March 9, 2010 at 4:19 pm

    Wow, a lot of strong opinions here. First, let’s take a step back to the beginning of 2008. I remember it was G.W. Bush that was issuing stimulus check because he got the heads up from his advisors about the bad mortgages all these banks created. We all do remember those $300 stimulus checks, right?? It was meant to prevent a recession-created by the bankers (funny we can bash Obama and Bush, but no one never mentioned the bankers). So the fact that the economy was headed down hill was no surprise. In Fall 2008. things just hit the fan and the bankers really took us for a road trip to hell with more bad debt. Last, the bankers won’t even help create jobs to correct there wrongs. Why bash on Bush or Obama people. What you need to do is organize a mass protest, walk over to the regional offices some of these banks have her in Chicago, and scream your a$$ off.
    Also, give your problems to God!! He’ll take care of everything. Just believe.

  34. Ely March 9, 2010 at 4:33 pm

    Which is a greater priority, jobs or health care? With the job, they can earn the money needed to get them on their feet. There already is ‘accessible’ health care since no one can be turned down in the ER already as evidenced to the growing lines and budgets. Instead of mandating, why not implement cost saving measures and other true reform measures? Why 2,000 pages with countless legislative words to provide what? This administration should improve the climate for small business and not just for its’ union backers.

  35. Karl from Chicago March 9, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    When President Obama took office, the employment data showed the following net jobs added / (lost) in thousands:
    Dec-07 120
    Jan-08 (72)
    Feb-08 (144)
    Mar-08 (122)
    Apr-08 (160)
    May-08 (137)
    Jun-08 (161)
    Jul-08 (128)
    Aug-08 (175)
    Sep-08 (321)
    Oct-08 (380)
    Nov-08 (597)
    Dec-08 (681)
    Jan-09 (741)
    The economy had gone over the cliff and was spinning out of control, gaining negative velocity. We were in the middle of six months with job losses exceeding 500,000 jobs per month. The TARP program in the fall of 2008 was the first attempt to stop this slide. The Economic Recovery bill was the next attempt. We tried housing credits and cash for clunkers. The bills that passed Congress were filled with a mish mash of extended unemployment benefits, funding for infrastructure, and pure pork. Anyone would admit they were less than perfect. So what happened?
    Feb-09 (681)
    Mar-09 (652)
    Apr-09 (519)
    May-09 (303)
    Jun-09 (463)
    Jul-09 (304)
    Aug-09 (154)
    Sep-09 (139)
    Oct-09 (127)
    Nov-09 64
    Dec-09 (150)
    Jan-10 (20)
    Job losses started to decline. They have averaged less than 100,000 for the last three months. We have had two consecutive quarters of positive economic growth. Now the Tribune reports that more companies plan to hire in the 2nd quarter than lay people. While not great, as those of you that point out that 82% don’t plan to increase hiring, it is certainly better than last year when most companies were terminating employees.
    Fortunately we will never know how deep a recession we could have had if we had not had stimulus spending. Absent the TARP spending, the Economic Recovery Act and the various other stimulus efforts there is no telling how many jobs would have been lost. Even if we had continued to lose “only” 500,000 jobs per month for the last year it would have been a lot. Thankfully first President Bush and then President Obama took active steps to stop the slide.
    I hope the Manpower survey is right and this is the start of a period of increased employment. We certainly need one.

  36. alex March 9, 2010 at 6:45 pm

    how dare you blame government and Obama for the lack of jobs. Are you not personally responsible for your own situation?!
    or are you another one of those highly hypocritical Republicans? The kind that can’t get their story or their facts straight.

  37. alex March 9, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I don’t appreciate you using facts to make a point. Glen Beck tells me to think differently then the facts you present, so I must spit on your silly “theories” and tell you that you’re wrong. Why? because Glen tells me to think that way. He’s super duper that Mr. Beck. He’s so funny when he pretends to pour gasoline on our president and tells me to hate our socialistismistic president from a Hinduistic nation, because our presidents are Christian and we are a Christian nation, founded under Christians, like the Sioux Indians and Incas. They all loved Jesus before we decided to Americanize them with our American ways. Thank goodness we did this, otherwise we’d have non-American hippies wondering the land, being anti-consumerists who love communism.
    Don’t you dare put up more facts on what our forefathers actually believed (they were NOT deists!) or facts on climate change because I’d rather believe in Mr. Beck. He’s a real American. He doesn’t want everyone to have health insurance and that’s what I call a real American. He wants the people to shoulder the tax burden so that corporations and their CEO’s could make more money. See, that’s what a real American is about. Not some silly, liberal pant eater who wants to help those stupid New Orlean people.
    P.S. Facts are for liberals. We Conservatives don’t need them.

  38. VinceP1974 March 9, 2010 at 7:45 pm

    These Democrats are doing EVERYTHIGN in thier power to destroy business .. not assist it.
    Here’s the news.. just from today:
    Changes in ObamaCare will require businesses to count part-time workers for coverage penalties
    A Democratic aide says a new provision in the health care bill will require businesses to count part-time workers when calculating penalties for failing to provide coverage.
    The bill originally passed by the Senate only penalized businesses for full-time workers who weren’t covered. The Senate bill is being used as the basis for a final package President Barack Obama wants Congress to pass in the next few weeks.
    68% now oppose passing ObamaCare without Republican support
    The Obama administration will accept no more public input for a federal strategy that could prohibit U.S. citizens from fishing the nation’s oceans, coastal areas, Great Lakes, and even inland waters…
    Pelosi: We need to pass ObamaCare so that the public can find out what’s in the bill
    57% think ObamaCare will damage economy
    Majority now say U.S. is less respected than it was two years ago

  39. RomanB March 9, 2010 at 7:49 pm

    What a slanted article. It should talk about how 80% of the surveyed companies would never hire any teabaggers because their spelling and grammar are worse then most illegal aliens.

  40. VinceP1974 March 9, 2010 at 8:00 pm

    Roman, don’t you mean “worse than?”
    PS: Discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation is illegal in Cook County.

  41. captinjoe March 9, 2010 at 8:49 pm

    Yo Alex,
    I have no problem taking personal responsibility. I am totally comfortable with my situation. I ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND IT!!!!!!
    In chatting with liberals like you, I know in the end that my faith, beliefs and my ability to stick to my beliefs will carry me thru.
    I believe in this great nation and know we are having bad times, but being a conservative will SAVE THE DAY. I never had to worry about covering my tracks in everything I say or do. I am transparent and have everything on the table. The people I will elect or have elected will make decisions in the open and with a clear majority. I will not have to make deals with other elected officials in back rooms to get my agenda pass (especially when I have a SUPER MAJORITY). I will never have to use Stimulus to BRIBE others to get things pass. I think you get the point.
    In the end I hope you never get into a situation where you are unemployed for a long time because if you are a liberal like I think you are… You will not survive. You beliefs will not be able to carry you because the GOVERNMENT you believe in and you say I am blaming well… they will not be there for you because come November your party will never ever have the power again like it has now in order to get you the things you will DEMAND again because of your beliefs.
    What a shame and a waste this administration has been. Even with the all the POWER. Nothing to show. Kind shows the character they have, and really when you look in the mirror you will have to question your character too.
    BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR. YOU MAY NOT LIKE IT!!!! Here’s hoping that “HOPE AND CHANGE” is good for you.
    Take Care

  42. DA March 9, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Did anyone see the unemployment rate for Illinois today? Almost at 13% now. This is a problem in the works from prior administration, and it’s not going to get better with the current administration. They have all lost sight of what is best for the American people, and we can blame whomever we want. Who are we kidding, Chicago is not going to be adding that many jobs – but even if they add jobs that would pay minimum wage then that is better then nothing. There may be some that even minimum wage is better then where they are today. I know for a fact that companies were downsizing before this whole mess began – so this problem has been there, but it’s just now that it’s widely publicized. Before, many companies would do layoffs, but those numbers were not known or publicly made available. Oh, and state employment taxes in Illinois are about to go up considerably? Instead of insulting one another – let’s be realistic about the current employment situation, and do what we can to help one another!

  43. alex March 10, 2010 at 10:08 a.m.

    you really make little sense but I’m glad you think your “faith” will carry you through. After all, that’s what Conservatism is all about. You. You, you, you. Nevermind what every religion in the world professes, in America, we believe in social Darwinism and that’s the American way (at least one type of Darwinism has become dogma among the crazy right).
    BTW, I’m not too worried about losing my job. Fortunately, I’ve been very fortunate. My liberal ways have enriched me with some amazing friends, family and the best wife anyone could ever dream of. My liberalism led to an amazing job that’s been very rewarding and fun. I received an amazing liberal education that couldn’t have been any more rewarding. It was a place where worked with some of the brightest minds throughout the world.
    I’ll keep fighting for progressive causes that will make this world a much better place. For me and for you. You see, liberals fight for people, regardless of ideology. Conservatives, well, they hide behind the guise of “personal responsibility” to act the Scrooge part.

  44. RegusChicago March 11, 2010 at 8:13 a.m.

    Agreed that the stats released are couched in a way to inspire rather than report reality. After reading through the frustration in these comments, I wanted to offer up a fact that my co-workers and I at Regus have been considering. The news reported a growing number of freelancers out there, up to 1/3 of the workforce. If it’s at all possible to get that type of work, know that there are businesses like mine that can provide you with sophisticated office resources to help you work well–office space, support staff, even a rentable meeting room for a one hour use.
    If any of you are looking into stepping out on your own, you may be interested in a sweepstakes that we’re running. The winner will be awarded a fully furnished office space at one of our 28 locales in Chicago. Maybe this is the boost one of you needs to kick start a new job? You can enter here: And, here’s hoping that the next Manpower news reads 75% of employers are hiring!

  45. Patrick March 29, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    I was laid off for 11 months when Bush the dumber was appointed president. So obviously, that was all the fault of the Greedy Oil Party and the incompetence of Dim Son.