Quinn: Caterpillar should build plant in Illinois

Posted March 19, 2010 at 3:19 p.m.

From Crain’s Chicago Business | Governor Pat Quinn told Caterpillar Inc.’s incoming CEO Doug Oberhelman on Thursday that he wants Illinois to be in the running for a new plant Caterpillar may build.

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  1. Roget March 19, 2010 at 9:34 pm

    Good luck, Gov. Can’t think of a good reason they would even consider Illinois, and from the sound of it, they may not even consider the USA if Obamacare is adopted.
    And meanwhile… our fabulous state legislators spent the day passing a law banning pet monkeys. Didn’t address the $13 billion gorilla, tho.

  2. position March 22, 2010 at 4:32 pm

    Quinn has got to be kidding. Caterpillar can see what’s going on in this state, and it’s not favorable and conducive to do business in. Caterpillar would be better off looking elsewhere, perhaps in the south where taxes are much lower. Texas has no income tax, but it’s run by a bunch of Repubicans.