Google tweaks Buzz because of privacy concerns

Posted Feb. 12, 2010 at 11:26 a.m.

Associated Press |  In response to privacy concerns, Google says it has tweaked Buzz, the social hub it added to its e-mail service this week.

Users worried that Buzz made their frequent e-mail contacts visible to
others. And it did so by automatically making these contacts their
followers and followees on Buzz, and making these lists public.

On Facebook, that would be like having the people you e-mail with most often automatically become “friends.” But those people may instead be your boss or ex-lover, and you wouldn’t necessarily want to share everything with them.

So Google Inc. said Thursday it made it easier to hide the lists of followers and followees. It also made it easier to block specific people from following your Buzz updates.



  1. graficgod Feb. 12, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    fail! google has finally failed. buzz is like a twitter ripoff.

  2. Marica Lubbert Feb. 13, 2010 at 11:33 pm

    Greetings thanks for posting this, found it to be a great read after finding it on Bing searching for similar topics and i will pass the link on to a few friends.